Essentials for Social Distancing

Jusele Irambona, Editor

Ever since the coronavirus outbreak, people have been told to social distance and remain in their homes unless they need to leave. Staying at home can be really boring and uneventful, but thankfully, I have things that can keep me busy and distract me from that.

The first essential that I need is, of course, my phone. My phone allows me to keep in touch with my friends and family during this difficult time, and see what they’ve been up to, as well. Not only that, but my phone is really entertaining. I watch movies, tv shows, scroll through social media, and learn the occasional Tik Tok dance that everyone is doing, which really keeps me busy.

Another essential that I need while social distancing is my journal. Sometimes, I just want to get away from my phone, so I’ll write or just doodle in my journal.

Finally something else that’s essential is food. Going to the grocery store is where you’ll see a lot of people, so it’s good to have food at home to avoid making frequent trips to the grocery store.

Also, I need something to snack on while binge watching something on Netflix. These are just a few things I need while social distancing because they keep me distracted and keep me inside the house.