I am a Rock

I am a Rock

Montana Hogan, Editor

This is a time of need. A time where people need supplies, support, and shelter to stay safe during a global pandemic. This is a time where people must stay off the streets, families need to stay apart, and we must stay home. Regardless of the circumstances that keep us apart, this has been a time of community. 

 The importance of supporting each other has been brought to our attention during this outbreak of COVID-19. Facebook groups full of members from our community in Rock Island are being made. There is a group solely to support local businesses in the Quad Cities. Lots of people joined this group. Keeping family-owned businesses is important to the community, because oftentimes, the family that runs these businesses are part of our community. There is also a group that was made by the mom of a graduate from Rock Island High School. This group was made for the seniors of Rocky, so they feel like their achievements haven’t been overshadowed by the tragedy that has surfaced. Adults in our community have been sending gifts to this year’s graduating class. People are making sure that graduating seniors from our community are taken care of, because we are the future of our community. 

People have learned that even though we must stay apart, we can still fight this hardship together. Never have I ever been more grateful to be a part of our community here in the Quad Cities. I have always been proud to call myself a Rock, but I am glad that I can still be a Rock during this pandemic. I am amazed by the countless amounts of kindness that continue to be spread throughout our community. I am inspired by those who still make efforts to keep our sense of community and strive to make our town as great as it can be. Throughout this time, our community has not crumbled, if anything, our community has grown stronger. The community in Rock Island remains powerful, positive, and persistent.