The SAT Stress

Lauren Gant and Nate Gottcent

One test. One moment. Three hours. Will this test impact your future plans? Or not at all? The SAT. An Illinois State required high school assessment for graduation. Full of stress and high expectations. These test scores will be sent to any colleges the students want and it may impact whether they get accepted or not. Juniors at Rock Island High School have been preparing for weeks or months for the big test. Teachers prepare their classrooms to be a proctor. 

Junior Cody Wolf is preparing for the SAT on Wednesday, April 12th,  and he is feeling the stress. “I am definitely feeling pressure because some colleges need a good score and I’m not sure where I want to go yet.” Cody is one of many juniors who are feeling the anxiety about needing a good score for college or any other future plans. Not only do students feel high pressure about taking the test, teachers feel pressure to give the test. There are several rules and regulations you must follow when giving the SAT. If one thing goes wrong, your whole room must retake the test. One of the teachers at the high school, Ms. Attebery was definitely feeling the stress towards giving this year’s test. “I was terrified that I would do something wrong that would require everyone to retake the test. I definitely practiced, double-checked the room requirements like the clock, and posted material. I asked a lot of questions prior to the test. Everything ended up just fine.” 

Different people have study techniques that work best for them. Some might need a tutor, others may need to be alone to focus. When asked about studying tips and techniques, Cody said, “Going through the SAT prep app and going through practice problems… going over the material multiple times to get the information in my head.” Everyone has different ways of studying and knows what will help them be most successful. Some may not study as much as they wish they had done.

Ms. Attebery was reflecting on her testing in high school saying, “When I was in high school, we had to take the ACT, but it was only held twice a year at Black Hawk College, and it was a huge deal. I should have practiced more to get a better score.”

As many people have had different experiences, we all eventually have to take it. It is okay to feel stressed, and it’s important to know how to deal with that stress in a positive way.