Today’s Your Day!!
April 25, 2020
The whole world is under lockdown, but that doesn’t stop the days going by and even very important ones, like holidays and birthdays. Birthdays are the best time of the year because you can spend fun times with family members and friends, get presents and all the attention from everyone, that’s the best part! During this time, you can’t do much. Everything is closed, so with people whose birthday is during this time, it is boring, but I figured a way to make my dad’s birthday better than any other birthday!
My dad was born 39 years ago today, April 16th, 1981. My dad always celebrates his birthday every year from local parties to going out of town with his friends. This year, my dad wanted to go on a big trip for his birthday, but with the Coronavirus, his trip was canceled. My dad was very disappointed. Today, I wanted my dad to have a good birthday, so I went to my dad’s house with a bouquet of happy birthday balloons and his favorite candy, a Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, to make his day better. I spent every second with him. I took him to my great grandma’s house for his favorite breakfast meals growing up made by her, with love.
With a full belly and a happy dad, we went to go see his friends’ who gave him amazing gifts, like balloons, a beautiful cake, cupcakes, things for his new apartment, candy, and a fruit basket. Everyone wished him a happy birthday, while he was having fun with his friends, I decided to take his pride and joy, his car, the Night Rider, to get a bath on this beautiful day, so he can drive a clean black car.
After the wonderful day of driving my dad around the city, we went home. I did some homework while he took a nap. Later on, I decided to go home. My dad was so happy that I came over and hung out with him on his special day. These moments in my life will be treasured forever!!
Jashar Carr • Apr 26, 2020 at 7:11 pm
My beautiful amazing gifted daughter! Proud dad