Staying Calm and Relatively Anxiety Free

April 17, 2020
During this tumultuous time, everyone needs a little help staying calm and relatively anxiety-free. Certain people or activities in our lives can distract us from the uncertainty in the world around us and remind us of all the good that exists despite the current circumstance. During this past month of quarantine, I have turned to my best friends, family, and my artistic hobbies to keep myself reminded of the light at the end of the tunnel.
Never in my life have I been more grateful that the Internet exists than I have these past few weeks. Through apps like Facetime, iMessage, Snapchat, Instagram, etc., I have been able to stay in contact with the people who matter most to me (I can also binge watch TikToks for hours, which I hate to admit that I do more often than I should).
My family has been a source of joy and calm for me in these rough times as well. I’ve spent more time with my mom and brother during this quarantine than I have in years. My older brother, who has been away at college for two years now, is home, and as much as he gets on my nerves and I get on his, I’m so happy to have him here. My mom, who is usually busy working two jobs, has been able to take more time off. Even my dog, who is accustomed to spending most days alone while I’m at school and my mom is at work, is overjoyed to have us home with him all day every day. My family and I have been watching movies, cooking dinners together, going for car rides, walking by the river, and most of all, enjoying the increased time together that this quarantine has given us. I think everyone in the world right now can agree that time with family has been an unexpected silver lining during this pandemic.
In addition to the “who”s that have gotten me through this hard time, the hobbies that I don’t always have time to enjoy during normal life have helped me stay calm and productive. While reading a book for pleasure, playing my flute for fun, writing in my journal, working on a painting, or browsing new music on Spotify usually get lost in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, I’ve had the opportunity to do these hobbies more recently. It’s been rejuvenating to be able to spend time doing activities I love rather than doing activities I have to do. I’ve finished my new favorite book, learned fun pop songs on my flute, painted a landscape, and discovered so many amazing music albums. While my normal life of school, work, and extracurriculars doesn’t often leave extra time for hobbies, quarantine has given me an abundance of opportunities to do the artistic activities I love.
During this period of uncertainty and anxiety unlike anything else I’ve ever experienced, I’ve found ways to cope and keep my spirits high. The most important people in my life, my best friends and family, have comforted me and reminded me that joy can still exist alongside worry and fear. Hobbies that I don’t typically have time to spend on have brought me happiness and distracted me from the anxiety we all feel at one time or another. It’s important to stay calm and relaxed amidst this worldwide panic, and I have luckily found numerous ways to do so.