Have you ever wanted to be a sports manager, but never knew where to start? This is your chance to learn about the experience. This year, Rocky’s Varsity Basketball Manager is Jeremiah Evans. Jeremiah is a big contributor to the team, and does tasks “such as uplifting the players, being the first to have team spirit,” Jeremiah says, as well as helping with travel. He also shares how managing is beneficial, not just in high school, but in the workforce.
This is Jerimiah’s first year at Rock Island High School, but not his first year of managing. “It was my 8th-grade year at Edison Junior High. Coach Dan Nelson introduced me to the role, and it immediately sparked my interest. I enjoyed being part of the team, helping things run smoothly behind the scenes, and contributing to the success of the program. That experience showed me how much I could learn and grow in this role, and it motivated me to continue pursuing it,” he said. He started in 8th grade, and he still is continuing with managing. Jeremiah is only managing basketball at the moment. He chose to manage basketball because, “It’s a sport I’ve always been passionate about. I love the fast pace, the strategy involved, and the energy of the game. Being a manager allows me to stay closely connected to the sport,” Jeremiah says. Although he does not have interest in playing basketball, he finds a way to still stay close with a sport he loves.
Not only does Jeremiah have to stay focused on managing, but he also has to balance school and managing at the same time. As he says, “Balancing everything can be tough in the high school life of an incoming freshman, but I make it work by prioritizing my schoolwork first. I use a planner to schedule my classes, basketball manager duties, and practices for the other sport I play. Communication is key, so I always let my coaches and teachers know if there’s a conflict. I also try to use any free time to get ahead on homework or just rest. It’s a lot, but staying organized helps me keep up with everything.” Having good time management is very important in many aspects of life. To go along with organization, Jeremiah seems to be a very organized person, and has all tasks laid out, “By using my notes app or a calendar. To track all my commitments, like school assignments, practices, games and other responsibilities. I break down tasks into smaller steps, and prioritize what needs to be done first. I also set reminders on my phone to keep me on track and make time each day to review what’s coming up. Keeping my workspace and materials stress free it’s easier to focus when everything is in order.” Jeremiah says. For Jeremiah to be organized makes things easier for him, as well as easy for the coaches and teachers.
Managing can have its hard times and its good times. What Jeremiah does on daily are “arrive early before our assistant managers, check in with the coaching staff and see what’s on the daily agenda for me to take care of such as, make sure that the team’s laundry is completed by the assigned manager for the level. I also oversee our managers social media platforms – Such as providing our fans with the updated scores from home games/travel games”. Jeremiah has quite a lot to do and it can be challenging at times. To go along with that, some jobs that Jeremiah thinks are challenging are, “overseeing other managers while making sure everything runs smoothly. It’s challenging to balance delegating tasks and ensuring that each manager is on track while handling my own duties. It requires strong leadership and communication to keep everyone coordinated, and sometimes it’s difficult to make sure everything is done on time. But it also helps me develop skills in organization and leadership, which are valuable for both this role and beyond.” Some challenges you may face, will later help you with a skill or help you understand.
As can be seen, this role can teach many tasks and can gain skills that will help later in life. Jeremiah is very committed to his work he does for the team, and he also thinks this is the right fit for him. “The Head Varsity Basketball Manager role is helping me develop several valuable skills. Leadership is a big one, as I’m responsible for organizing and guiding others on the team. Time management has improved since I need to balance this role with school and Running Track & XC. Communication is another key skill, as I regularly coordinate with coaches, players, and staff. Problem-solving has also been crucial when handling last-minute issues during practices or games. Overall, this role is teaching me how to be organized, dependable, and a strong team player,” As Jeremiah Evans states. There are many skills gained in managing. Jeremiah is a very committed person as seen, “I believe I’m the right person for this job because I’m organized, dependable, and dedicated to the team’s success. I have strong communication skills, which help me work well with coaches, other managers, players, and staff. I’m also good at handling multiple responsibilities, balancing my duties as head varsity basketball manager with school and other commitments. I’m passionate about the role and always willing to step up, solve problems, and ensure everything runs smoothly. My focus is always on supporting the team and contributing to a positive environment.” Jeremiah has seemed to find the right spot and is appreciated by all the players as well as all the coaches.
For the most part, Jeremiah is very committed to managing and seems to have found the right team to enjoy his job. He is a big contributor in helping the team and keeping things organized. He has good communication and organization skills. Some skills he thinks are useful to have are, “Dedication, Hard Working Skills, Trustworthy, Communication, Professionalism Great Attitude”. If you wish to get more involved in school and don’t play a sport, managing could be a good opportunity.