The Rock Island Rocks usually take pride in their namesake, Rocks, by being strong and bold. However, even Rocks change over time, and these Rocks aren’t the unmoving objects we think. Ranging from the building itself to new technology always coming up. Regardless of the type of change (whether positive or negative), teachers have had to adjust every year to whatever Rocky brings.
Mr. Stone is a 9th grade biology teacher. He has been teaching here at Rock Island High School since 1999. Since he has been teaching, he has had many different changes. In his career, he has encountered many types of changes in his classroom, in the school, in the curriculum, and even with students. “The curriculum has changed with an increased emphasis on STEM in my classroom. I have included more in my lessons regarding technology, like genetic engineering, ” Mr. Stone stated.
The students have changed a lot since technology has come out due to COVID also affecting the students. Mr. LaRoche, who has also been teaching since 1999, but started out in different schools, talks about how COVID has made learning and different types of learning more difficult for students. “COVID has mellowed the students out a lot. It seems like they have trouble communicating and talking with each other,” he explained.
Not only has COVID been an issue for kids, but it has also been a struggle for the teachers. “Keeping the energy level up in the classroom. I try to have more labs and have students up and moving around to keep them focused. I also have students work in teams to work out problems,”explained Mr. Stone. He also makes sure he knows what his students are going through, stating he places- “More emphasis on the ‘whole child’ learning, social-emotional aspects.”
Not only do changes occur with students and the curriculum, but the the building has had its ups and downs. From the new front entrance to the heating and cooling, Mr. LaRoche wishes there were a few more changes made. “The new flooring and entrance have been a great change, but the science labs need to be renovated, and we need to fix the HVAC system once and for all.”
Both of the teachers have talked about the range of cultures here at Rocky, as well. “The culture has gotten a lot better,” Mr. LaRoche emphasized. Mr. Stone looks at his future here at Rocky stating, “I always see myself teaching here. This school is so accepting of differences. I would never go back. I love the way the present is now.”
These changes throughout Rock Island High School haven’t stopped the teachers from making every day of learning fun for the students. From the curriculum changing to the building needing different updates. Even though these changes have been challenging, while others have helped these teachers have been Rock Solid. There will always be changes made and kinks to work out, but the teachers are always there to keep up the energy and make lessons fun.