A Big Day for Your Future
April 5, 2022
The SAT, or Scholastic Aptitude Test, is a standardized college admission test that evaluates a student’s skills in reading, writing, and math. It is administered to students across the country every year.
Taking the SAT can be scary for students, especially if they did not get the chance to take the PSAT due to the pandemic. Camryn Milefchik, a junior at Rock Island High School, shares her experience with studying and preparing for the big test coming up. She explained that Khan Academy has helped her to study and get comfortable with the type of questions that will be asked and how they are worded. The students in Dr. Yolanda Grandberry Pugh’s junior English classes spend Fridays on the Khan Academy website during that class period to get a little bit of extra time to study inside the school. Having that opportunity to take a class period and get some preparations in can help for students with a busy life outside of school.
Every student has their own way of studying. Milefchik shares some of her best tips. She says she reads the instructions and writes things down. “Colorful pens and highlighters help me so much!” She recommends reading why you may have gotten a question wrong, as it has been beneficial to her. Dr Grandberry-Pugh recommends studying for “30 – 60 minutes, get up, walk away from your studying/take a break and then repeat, work with a study partner, turn off the music and tv, completely focus on what you are studying, remove the distractions.” While taking the test, she wants her students to relax, be confident, and she hopes that they will do their best.
Milefchik states she will stay positive during the test by not letting herself think that she can’t do something if it is challenging for her. She wants everyone to do their best, and to know that they’ve got this!
The SAT is going to be required again in the upcoming years, so it is important to be at school on time the day of the test. Make sure you are well rested, and eat a good breakfast before the test. Be sure to plan ahead, and start studying now, so you don’t have to cram everything in the night before, and remember to try your hardest and to keep your mind positive. You’ve got this!