Things Will get Better
May 24, 2020
We all want to do something important with our lives. We want to do something important because we have seen what the generations before us have been able to accomplish and we feel as if we must live up to their legacy. We have seen our grandparents and parents overcome adversity for the past 100s of years. We saw black people and women fight for and earn their rights as equals, we have seen how with the right amount of passion and grit that we can accomplish anything we put our minds to.
We, as a class, have had quite a childhood, brought into the world during 9/11 and are beginning adulthood during a global pandemic. We didn’t want any of this, we were dealt this hand in this game of life and we are doing the best we can. This situation makes sure that we are important, everyone in the world feels for us right now. There have been many attempts, including videos, facebook groups, articles, and even televised events, to make us feel that we are not alone and that things will get better.
I don’t know about everyone else, but I wish we were constantly wishing for things to get better and started making things get better. I honestly believe that this is where my graduating class will come in. We won’t be remembered as the generation who didn’t have a senior year and whom everyone felt sorry for, but as the class who took initiative and changed the things that truly needed changing. For some people, graduating high school would be their greatest accomplishment, and for some, it’s just another step on the road to greatness, however, for all of us it is a pivotal moment that we, and the rest of the world, will remember for the rest of our lives.