My Version of Necessities

May 10, 2020
While we are unable to go out with friends and enjoy human interaction, a few of my stay at home necessities include, my laptop, food, and AWAKE.
My laptop to me is just like my phone, but bigger. On my laptop, I can obviously do my e-learning school work, but also I can also watch my shows on Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+. Without my laptop during this pandemic, it would be close to impossible to do my e-learning school work.
During this time, most restaurants are take out and curbside only. My parents have been cooking more than usual, so the amounts of food we need in the house to feed all of us for a couple weeks at a time is very much a necessity. We usually have a night or two a week where we try to support local businesses and do curbside pick-up, but we always need those late night snacks.
The biggest necessity in my opinion is AWAKE. Without my AWAKE drinks every day, I have no idea if I would even be able to write these reflections. I don’t think my addiction gets any better considering I work there.
With all my necessities, I am able to survive a few more weeks in quarantine. My necessities include my laptop, food, and my AWAKE energy drinks.