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New Year, New Plans for StuCo

New Year, New Plans for StuCo

Mr. Tubbs and Miss Mackenzie Munday are two of the co- sponsors for the Student Council. Miss Munday became a sponsor for the Student Council because she was involved in Student Council growing up, as well, and  found it to be fun and interesting. It also helped her get more comfortable with students, not just in her classes. Mr. Tubbs chose to be a Student Council sponsor because he felt it was a chance for him to help out with the school culture, and he wanted to contribute to Rocky’s culture, and make it more of a positive place. 

Miss Munday thinks the Student Council benefits Rocky by “allowing the students to get involved in not only their school, but the community, as well. It gives them the opportunity to help others,” and she also says it, “helps to give Rocky a good name.” Mr. Tubbs thinks the group can benefit Rocky because it’s a chance for students to voice their ideas. They described the Student Council as “helping hands!!” and “Limitless and engaging.”  Miss Munday plans on promoting the Sudent Council to get more members is to mainly get the word out, “like students talking to their friends,” she explained. They welcome anybody at any point in the school year. Some of Mr. Tubbs plans to promote Student Council more is to make “new incentives to get others to join, and keep track of who’s showing up for meetings and events.” He hopes to “get the Student Council’s name out more, and add different things to help the school culture.” Miss Munday says that “Student Council is a great group of people.” She likes the idea that students create a bunch of friendships in Student Council. Her main focus for this year would be “more student involvement, and more student lead activities.”

Why should you join the student council? Mainly to get involved, and that it “allows you to choose to get involved in stuff you find exciting,” she stated. Miss Munday says that “Student council is a great group of people.” She likes the idea that students create a bunch of friendships in Student Council. Student Council is involved in many activities like “Hunger Drive, blood drive, coordinating Homecoming, and coordinating Dance Marathon. If any of the elementary schools have events, we send students to help out a lot. So really, just whatever the kids feel like they want to participate in,” Munday stated.

 Miss Munday feels if  the group get a “head start, getting involved in any events, coordination Powderpuff earlier on, going around classrooms trying to everyone involved, and making it fun and creating games would be a good and fun way to raise more money and food for the Hunger Drive than last year. Student Council has a lot of t-shirts this year that they are selling for Hunger Drive for 3 dollars.All of the proceeds go towards the Hunger Drive. They will sell  Homecoming tickets and shirts, as well. Mr. Tubbs said that if the Student Council has a plan to set up a cash app for the Student Council because not everyone has cash on them.”

One last note Miss Munday and Mr Tubbs wanted to say about the Student Council was “Meetings on Thursday mornings, room 120, Mr Tubbs’ room!” And, “I think Student Council is a lot of fun and I think it is a great opportunity for kids to get involved with not only their school but their community while in high school.”


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